
Invizyne awarded $250K voucher from DoE

December 04, 2024

CEO of Invizyne, Michael Heltzen, states, “As a part of our journey from developing brand new technology, isobutanol, that allows for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), we have been scaling up from micro-batches to bigger batches in the laboratory. To get to the future where there will be mass production, one of the steps in this journey is to get to a pilot plant. We are lucky and would like to announce that we have received support by the DoE through a voucher that allows us to spend $250,000 on specifically mapping out this road to a pilot plant.”

Invizyne's voucher is for 250K to complete a Pre-Development Planning for Biomanufacturing Infrastructure Projects to decarbonize industrial manufacturing, utilizing Invizyne’s Isobutanol technology to build a biomanufacturing infrastructure project that decarbonizes the chemical/fuel space. The Voucher Program is funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) as part of the Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) and leverages the Department of Energy’s (DOE) partnership intermediary agreement with ENERGYWERX.

More details on the voucher program:

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