
Looking back at 2024 - part 1 of a fireside chat about Invizyne

January 02, 2025

In this video - recorded on Dec 29, 2024 - Lou Basenese interviews Michael Heltzen about going IPO and the current challenges in SynBio - and how Invizyne can alleviate them - among other interesting topics, including the introduction of a paradigm shift in biomanufacturing.


“What does our technology do? We build biosolutions. Humankind has built a lot of things based on petrochemicals or things we have taken from nature and made into chemicals. We can make a new generation of that by re-engineering enzymes, putting them in a bioreactor, and making them produce all kind of chemicals that turns into products - like drugs, nutraceuticals, and all the way out to industrial chemicals like biofuels.” – states Michael Heltzen


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